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HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry

One Globe, One Industry, One Voice.


HMEI is a not-for-profit organization representing the interests of its membership; developers, manufacturers, and service providers - no matter their size - within the hydro-meteorological enterprise.

HMEI is one of only eight international non-governmental organizations with a formal working arrangement with the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Membership in HMEI provides an opportunity for its members to have an input into their targeted field and to influence the perceived needs of the hydro-meteorological industries on a global scale.


By being part of our membership community, you are able to connect with key international customers for your organization.


Join and find your community of like-minded individuals. Each member can benefit from (and contribute to) knowledge gathered worldwide. 


Not only do you gain access to a worldwide network of professionals, HMEI is also able to provide discounts to leading international conferences.


Each member can contribute to the power of the industry's voice at the World Meteorological Organization. 


The Council of HMEI has decided to open a competition for the Executive Secretary position for our Association.  To that end, Council has appointed Jay Wilson Anton Felder and Brian Day to act as the Selection Committee.  The plan is to advertise the Executive Secretary position for the next two weeks or until suitable candidate(s) can be found.  We anticipate conducting interviews between February 17th to March 18th with the goal of having the successful candidate in place on or before May 1, 2025.  This will afford the new Executive Secretary several months of overlap with Dr. Alexander (Sasha) Karpov for training purposes.  We anticipate that the training will be complete by the end of August this year.  After that time Sasha has indicated that he is willing to stay on as an Advisor at a reduced number of days to aid in the work of the HMEI Secretariat.  A decision will be made jointly by Dr. Karpov and Council over the next few months as to the amount of time he will provide after August.

We have attached the Position Description for the Executive Secretary for your review and ask that if you wish to apply, please submit your interest and CV via email to the Selection Committee.  If you have any questions, please contact the committee directly.

On behalf of Jay Wilson, Anton Felder, we wish each of you great success in 2025 and thank you for your assistance.

Best Regards.

Jay Wilson    josephine.p.wilson@gmail.com

Anton Felder anton.felder@kisters.de

Brian Day      brian.day@campbellsci.ca

Join the HMEI Membership Today

By joining the HMEI, each member can benefit from and contribute to, knowledge gathered worldwide. By promoting and influencing standards (which will then be easily and globally available to all members), HMEI can help to ensure a level playing field for manufacturers at all levels and in all relevant hydro-meteorological related areas.

About us

HMEI represents and promotes the views of over 140 Private sector companies striving to advance the technologies, standards, operational uses and sustainability of Equipment, Software, Systems, and Services supporting the Global Weather Enterprise.

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Membership is open to any company developing, marketing or selling hydrological, meteorological and/or environmental hardware, software or systems, and/or providing related support services.

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