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HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry

One Globe, One Industry, One Voice.



The communication between developers, manufacturers and service providers within the hydro-meteorological industry.


Advance the environmental, meteorological and hydrological sciences worldwide.


At an international level, information relative to the hydro-meteorological instruments and systems industry.


Speak for hydro-meteorological instruments and systems industry by participation as an observer in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and its Commissions, Committees and Working Groups.


To standardization world-wide in the meteorological and hydrological fields, including, defense of the interests of its members with relation to rules, guidelines and government policies, such as ISO standardization.


At an international level, the views of the hydro-meteorological instruments and systems industry, thereby ensuring a voice for the industry in discussions and resolutions.


In October 2000
during the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observations (CIMO) Technical Conference in Beijing, China the Secretary-General of WMO launched a plan to start high level communication with the hydro-meteorological industry and to find ways for the participation of industry in WMO activities.

It was suggested that industry create an organization, which could participate in WMO activities as an Observer.

This initiative resulted in the development of an organizing committee for the foundation of the Association of Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry, HMEI.

Jan 2001 – final preparations were made for establishing the Association at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Sep 2001 - the formal establishment of the Association was accomplished during the European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting in Budapest, Hungary. Mr. Ben Dieterink is elected to the position of HMEI Chairman.

Jan 2002 – the Secretary-General of WMO recognized the establishment of HMEI in a speech at the HMEI meeting during the AMS Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.

Jun 2002 – Consultative status at the WMO was granted to HMEI at the 54th Executive Council of WMO.

Feb 2003 – the first HMEI General Assembly is held during the AMS Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California with opening address by the Secretary-General of WMO.

Jun 2003 – the HMEI office is established in the WMO Headquarters building in Geneva, Switzerland, with Bruce Sumner as the new HMEI Executive Secretary.

Jan 2004 – HMEI having grown to over 20 members, is addressed by the Secretary General of WMO at its General Assembly at the AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA.

Sep 2004 – HMEI attends its first International Organization for Standardization meeting and is invited to become a Liaison Member of ISO.

Jan 2007 – HMEI reaches 50 member companies.

Jan 2011 – HMEI reaches a major milestone of 100 member companies.

May 2011 – Mr. Ben Dieterink retires from his position as HMEI Chairman, and Mr. Brian Day is elected to assume the position as HMEI Chairman.

Jun 2012 – the retirement of Bruce Sumner, Executive Secretary and Christine Charstone, Executive Administrator, leads to a new team of Dr. Alexander Karpov, Executive Secretary, and Ms. Robyn Thomas, Executive Administrator.

Mar 2013 – HMEI continues growing and reaches 120 member companies.

Oct 2013 – the new HMEI website is launched at the General Assembly in Brussels, providing improved capabilities for members.

Aug 2014 – the HMEI Award for Young Engineers consisting of a certificate, medal and cash prize was presented to its first winner, Dr. Ryan Said (Vaisala).

May 2016 – HMEI concluded a contract with World Bank and initiated the implementation of the Project on Tender Specifications for the procurement of hydro-meteorological equipment based on WMO requirements and recommendations.

Jun 2016 – During the 2016 Meteorological Technology World Expo in Madrid, the HMEI Tender Specifications documentation and internet tool are first showcased to the public and, in particular, to representatives from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, via a series of workshops.

Jun 2016 – Dr Denis Kiselev from Plair SA was selected as winner of the 2016 HMEI Award for Young Engineers. The presentation of the Award took place at the eighteenth session of the HMEI General Assembly (GA-18) on 28 September 2016 in Madrid, Spain.

Dec 2016 – HMEI reaches 130 member companies.

Jun 2017 – 1st Ad-hoc WMO/HMEI meeting held in Geneva as final HMEI developed Tender Specification documents are submitted to WMO CIMO-MG for comments.

Aug 2017 – HMEI reaches 145 member companies.

Jun 2018 – HMEI status with WMO is promoted to a “Working Arrangement” at the seventieth session of WMO Executive Council (EC-70 Geneva), a step up from the original “Consultative” status.

Jun 2019 – The HMEI website begins support for the 6 official UN languages.

Jun 2019 – Dr Viktar Tatsiankou from Spectrafy Inc. was selected as winner of the 2019 HMEI Award for Young Engineers.

Jun 2019 – HMEI General Assembly session 21 (GA-21, Geneva, 6 June) elects Mr. Jim Anderson (Earth Networks) to assume the position as HMEI Chairperson and adds a Council position representing Services offered by member companies.

Jun 2019 – HMEI GA-21 also accords to Mr. Brian Day the honorary title of HMEI General Assembly Chairperson Emeritus, at the conclusion of his term as HMEI Chairperson.

Aug 2019 – HMEI welcomes its 150th member company.

Dec 2020 – HMEI website begins upgrades to improve security and future sustainability.

Mar 2021 – HMEI Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure are updated by the Council and approved by the General Assembly (GA-22) to reflect current practices, procedures, and support the future direction of the Association.

Jul 2021 – HMEI provides Ms. Robyn Thomas a very heartfelt “Thank You!” upon her retirement and recognizes her 9 years of dedicated service as HMEI Executive Administrator. We also welcome Ms. Corine Perreman as our new HMEI Executive Administrator.

Apr 2022 – With the global COVID-19 pandemic causing extreme impacts to the Global Weather Enterprise, over the last two years, HMEI has been able to remain at a relatively consistent level of 130 to 140 member companies. 

About us

HMEI represents and promotes the views of over 140 Private sector companies striving to advance the technologies, standards, operational uses and sustainability of Equipment, Software, Systems, and Services supporting the Global Weather Enterprise.

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Membership is open to any company developing, marketing or selling hydrological, meteorological and/or environmental hardware, software or systems, and/or providing related support services.

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