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HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry

One Globe, One Industry, One Voice.

Expert Team on Competencies and Capacity Development (ET-CCD)

The Expert Team on Competencies and Capacity Development (ET-CCD) within the Standing Committee for Marine Meteorology and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO) will assist the WMO in developing, strengthening, and maintaining the capacity of its Members. Their goal is to ensure that Members can provide operational weather, ocean, and climate forecasting and applications to support the safety of life and property at sea and in coastal areas, while also promoting a safe, productive, and healthy ocean.The key activities that ET-CCD participates in include the following:

  • The ET-CCD will foster the implementation of WMO strategic initiatives, assist in identifying ocean scientific knowledge gaps, and establish an evaluation system for capacity development activities.
  • They will also establish institutional processes to identify required competencies, develop regional work plans, and collaborate with relevant partners for capacity development and training.
  • The team will raise awareness about new MMO services, promote competencies for metocean analyses, and facilitate the exchange of expertise in sea ice and iceberg analyses.
  • They will work closely with various training centers and institutes to strengthen marine weather forecasting training courses and enhance awareness and preparedness for coastal ocean hazard management.
  • Additionally, they will support the SC-DRR in providing capacity development for disaster risk reduction and coordinate activities with other relevant bodies to ensure effective marine weather and ocean services.

The term of this Expert Team will be until 2027, after which the Terms of Reference, Chairs, Vice-Chair, and Membership will be refreshed.

The complete terms of reference can be accessed in HERE

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HMEI represents and promotes the views of over 140 Private sector companies striving to advance the technologies, standards, operational uses and sustainability of Equipment, Software, Systems, and Services supporting the Global Weather Enterprise.

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