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HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry

One Globe, One Industry, One Voice.

Expert Team on MetOcean Requirements (ET-MOR)

Under the guidance of SC-MMO, the ET-MOR will review and update user needs and requirements for marine meteorology, oceanographic, and coastal services. In consultation with relevant stakeholders like WMO SERCOM, WMO INFCOM, and GOOS, ET-MOR will prioritize actions to identify and establish new or improved MetOcean requirements. These efforts aim to enhance marine weather and oceanographic forecasting, including extreme maritime weather, waves, storm surges, sea ice, and icebergs.The key activities that ET-MOR participates in include the following:
  • The Expert Team will perform comprehensive needs assessments on global, regional, and coastal scales for marine weather and ocean operational services and products, with periodic reviews to assess progress.
  • They will foster improved collaboration across the MetOcean services value chain by documenting requirements for research, observations, data management, and forecast systems.
  • The team will contribute to the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) to continuously assess user requirements and match them against current and evolving observational capabilities. This includes highlighting critical observing system gaps, coordinating with relevant bodies to provide guidance on the adequacy of observing systems, and working with the OceanPredict Science Team to improve marine and ocean numerical modeling and operational forecasting.
  • Additionally, the team will support the SC-MMO's contributions to the ocean-related aspects of the WMO’s Integrated Prediction and Processing System (WIPPS), identify forecast system gaps affecting MMO services, and document requirements for high-resolution physical modeling and emerging areas of relevant earth system modeling.
  • They will also strengthen and contribute to the common work of the WMO and IOC in the satellite domain by identifying requirements for satellite-based observations of the maritime environment and consider the relationship of MMO requirements to the maritime economy.

The term of this Expert Team will be from after SERCOM-3 (June 2024) to the SERCOM Session scheduled for the end of the intersessional period in 2027.

The complete terms of reference can be accessed in HERE

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