The SC-MMO will work closely with the WMO Technical Commissions, subsidiary bodies, and other partners to support the EW4All initiative. This collaboration aims to reduce the impact of marine and coastal hazards by enhancing processes, addressing gaps in alerting services, and providing impact-based information and actionable advice for decision-making. The focus will be on capacity development and ensuring equitable service delivery, especially for vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities, including last-mile communication.
- Expertise required
- Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS)
- Met-Ocean services regulatory material (including with IMO/IHO)
- WMO systems (for example with links to GDPFS/WIPPS, WIS, GOOS, GCOS etc.)
- IOC expertise in relevant ocean activities for services as recommended by JCB
- Quality Management Systems (QMS) driven by ISO 9001
- Competencies for marine weather forecaster and sea ice analyst and forecaster
- Marine weather, oceanographic, storm surge and wave forecasting
- Disaster risk reduction with a focus on the marine-related hazards
- Coastal inundation and Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS)
- Sea ice, iceberg, and other relevant services for polar regions
- Services for marine environmental emergency response and Search and Rescue (SAR)
- Marine climatology (services aspect)
- Satellite utilization products
- Services for the blue economy (including optimal transport routes/efficiency for industries such as transport, freight, fisheries, tourism, oil and gas, etc.)
- Expertise in costing options
- Social and behavioural science
- Marine meteorological education and training